1. Current Article I: Name of Organization: “The
name of this organization shall be the Utah Student Nurses’ Association
The abbreviation USNA is used as the stock
trading symbol for USANA Health Sciences, Inc.
It is also used as the abbreviation of the
United States Naval Academy. Because of this, it is difficult to find the
Utah State Nurses Association (USNA) online. It is proposed that the abbreviation for the
Utah Student Nurses Association be changed from USNA to UtSNA
And that Article I: Name of Organization will
read: “The name of this organization shall be the Utah Student Nurses’
Association (UtSNA)” and that all USNA
abbreviations throughout the bylaws will be changed to UtSNA
2. Current wording and eligibility requirements
to run for President of the USNA in the bylaws under Article V, Section 5
Letter A reads: “In order to be eligible
to run for president the individual must have served on the USNA Board of
Directors in a previous term. However, if there is no Board Member that is
willing or able to serve as the President, then individuals may be nominated
off the floor.”
This was originally voted into place to try
and have a continuity between past and future boards, however, it also gives
the current Board Members unfair advantage because of the wording
Currently, if a Board Member runs for
President, then no one else can run against them except another Board Member.
If someone is running for President that has
served on the previous Board, they already have the advantage of claiming their
experience and understanding of how it is run
To remove the double advantage for the
current Board members, it is proposed that Article V, Section 5 letter A be
removed and that letter B become letter A and so forth.