Article I – Name of Organization
The name of this organization shall be the Utah Student Nurses’ Association (USNA).
Article II – Purpose and Function
Section 1. Purpose
A. To assume responsibility for contributing to nursing education in order to provide for the highest quality of health care.
B. To provide programs representative of fundamental interests and concerns to nursing students.
C. To aid in the development of the whole person, his/her professional role, his/her responsibility for health care of people in all walks of life.
D. To be an advocate for nursing students in preparing for their professional roles as nurses.
Section 2. Function
A. To have direct input into standards of nursing education in order to provide the highest quality of health care.
B. To educate the student to better understand the legislative and political process and how it affects nursing and health care.
C. To promote and encourage participation in community affairs and activities towards health care and the resolution of social issues.
D. To represent nursing students to the consumer, to institutions, and other organizations.
E. To promote and encourage students’ participation in interdisciplinary activities.
F. To promote and encourage recruitment efforts, participation in student activities, and educational opportunities regardless of a person’s race, color, creed, sex, lifestyle, national origin, or economic status.
G. To promote and encourage collaborative relationships with nursing and health-related organizations.
Article III. – Members
Section 1. Constituent Associations
A. USNA shall be composed of at least two constituent chapters of NSNA.
B. Constituent chapters shall submit to USNA one copy of their chapter bylaws annually.
Section 2. School Constituent
A. School constituent membership is composed of active or associate members who are of the NSNA and the state association (when one exists).
B. Individual school constituents shall be composed of at least ten members from the school enrollment; if the total school enrollment is less than ten, then 100% of the enrolled must be members of NSNA. There shall be only one chapter on each school campus.
C. For yearly recognition as a constituent, an officer of the school association shall submit annually the official application for NSNA constituency status, which includes the following areas of conformity: purpose and function, membership, dues and representation.
D. A constituent association which fails to comply with the bylaws and policies of NSNA shall have its status as a constituent revoked by a 2/3 vote of the NSNA Board of Directors, provided that written notice of the proposed revocation has been given at least two months prior to the vote and the constituent association is given an opportunity to be heard.
E. Each school association is an entity separate and apart from NSNA and its administration of activities, with NSNA and USNA exercising no supervision or control over their immediate daily and regular activities. NSNA and USNA have no liability for any loss, damages, or injuries sustained by third parties as a result of the negligence or acts of the school association or the members thereof. In the event any legal proceedings are brought against NSNA and USNA, the school association will indemnify and hold harmless NSNA and USNA from any liability.
Section 3. Categories of Constituent Membership
A. Active Members:
1. Students enrolled in state-approved programs leading to licensure as a registered nurse.
2. Registered nurses enrolled in programs leading to a baccalaureate degree with a major in nursing.
3. Active members shall have all the privileges of membership.
B. Associate Members:
1. Pre-nursing students, including registered nurses, enrolled in college or university programs designed as preparation for entrance into a program leading to an associate degree, diploma or baccalaureate degree in nursing.
2. Associate members shall have all of the rights and privileges of membership except the right to hold office as president or vice president at state and national levels.
C. Individual Members:
1. Individual membership shall be open at the state and national levels to any eligible student when membership in a constituent association is not available. Individual members shall have the privileges of membership as prescribed in NSNA and USNA bylaws.
D. Sustaining Members:
1. Sustaining membership shall be open at the state level to any individual or organization interested in furthering the development and growth of USNA.
2. This membership category is not open to those eligible for active or associate memberships.
3. Sustaining members shall have none of the obligations or privileges of membership.
E. Honorary Members:
1. Honorary membership shall be given to those persons who have rendered distinguished services or valuable assistance to the student nurses in Utah.
2. Recommendations for honorary membership will be accepted by any member of the USNA.
3. Honorary membership shall be conferred by a vote of 2/3rds of the Board of Directors.
4. Honorary members shall have none of the obligations or privileges of membership.
F. Active, associate and individual membership shall be renewable annually.
Section 4. Membership After Graduation
A. Active and Associate memberships may be extended six months beyond graduation from a student’s program in nursing, providing membership was renewed while the student was enrolled in a nursing program.
Article IV – Dues
Section 1. Terms
A. The annual USNA/NSNA dues for active, associate, and individual members shall be determined by the NSNA, payable to NSNA. The dues shall cover a period of twelve (12) consecutive months. Once the membership has been paid, the student is a member of both the state organization (USNA) and the national organization (NSNA).
B. NSNA and USNA dues will be payable directly to NSNA. NSNA shall remit to USNA the dues received on its behalf. Neither NSNA nor USNA shall collect or remit school constituent dues.
C. Any member who fails to pay current dues shall forfeit all privileges of membership.
Article V – Board of Directors
Section 1. Composition
A. President
B. Vice-President
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
E. Convention Director
F. Communication Director
G. Regional Directors (4)
H. Breakthrough to Nursing Director
Section 2. Regions
The four Regional Directors shall be elected from their regional areas. These areas are defined as the following:
A. Region 1. Weber State University at Logan, Weber State University at Ogden, Weber State University at Davis, Utah State University Uintah Basin, Utah State University with Weber at Logan, Ogden Weber Applied Technology College, Davis Applied Technology College, Stevens-Henager College, Bridgerland Applied Technology College, and Nightingale College.
B. Region 2. University of Utah, Salt Lake Community College, Westminster College, Eagle Gate College, Roseman University, Everest College, Ameritech College, Fortis College, and Western Governor’s University.
C. Region 3. Brigham Young University, Utah Valley University, Provo College, Utah State University Eastern-Price, Mountainland Applied Technology College, and Utah State University Eastern-Blanding.
D. Region 4: Southern Utah University, Dixie State University, and Snow College.
E. Other schools not listed and schools listed under DOPL will be assigned to a region as deemed necessary and appropriate by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Responsibilities
A. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for:
1. Transacting business of the association between membership meetings and shall report such transactions at the next regularly schedules membership meeting.
2. Reviewing monetary disbursements, acquisitions and fund raising activities and shall be responsible for procuring persons for audit of all accounts on an annual basis.
B. It is expected that the members of the Board will:
1. Attend all meetings of the Board of Directors, or submit a written request to be excused from the meeting. Each member is permitted to have one unexcused absence during their term. If more than one occurs there will be grounds for disciplinary action.
2. Serve as resources for the newly elected Board of Directors.
3. Transfer all materials to the new Board of Directors within one month of elections.
4. Elect one member of the outgoing Board to serve as consultant to the new Board.
C. The Board of Directors shall create and maintain the USNA Policies and Procedures.
Section 4. Quorum
A. Quorum for the board meetings shall be a majority of the Board of Directors.
Section 5. The President shall:
A. In order to be eligible to run for president the individual must have served on the USNA Board of Directors in a previous term. However, if there is no Board Member that is willing or able to serve as the President, then individuals may be nominated off the floor.
B. Preside at all business meetings of the Board of Directors
C. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.
D. Appoint additional committees and absentee officers with the approval of the Board of Directors.
E. Supervise expenditures submitted by the treasurer, as authorized by the Board of Directors.
F. Serve as the USNA delegate at the NSNA annual convention. In the event that the President is unable to serve as the USNA delegate, the Utah Board of Directors may appoint a delegate to represent the USNA at the NSNA annual convention.
G. Perform all other duties pertaining to the office and represent this association in all matters relating to NSNA, and other official relationships.
H. Give a written and/or oral report of the accomplishments of the Board during their term of office at the annual USNA business meeting.
Section 6. The Vice-President shall:
A. Assume the duties of the President in the event of his/her absence.
B. Serve as chair of the bylaws committee, which shall prepare proposed amendments to the bylaws which shall be presented for consideration at the annual USNA business meeting.
C. Submit any revisions of the bylaws to NSNA within three months following the annual USNA business meeting.
D. Assist the President as necessary in any other function of the association.
Section 7. The Secretary shall:
A. Conduct the general correspondence and keep records of all organization correspondence.
B. Notify all constituent associations of the time and place of the meeting of the association.
C. Record the minutes of all meetings of this association and keep on file as a permanent record, all reports, documents, rules, and regulations and policies of the association. Distribute minutes of all meetings of USNA, including fifteen copies to NSNA or one electronic copy within one week of the meeting.
D. Sign, with the President, such organizational papers as come into their executive and administrative sphere with approval of the Board of Directors.
E. Keep on file an accurate list of the names and addresses of all officers, committee directors, and school representatives to USNA. This list should include the names of all constituent associations and their officers or directors.
F. Perform duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.
Section 8. The Treasurer shall:
A. Act as custodian of funds of this association and deposit these funds in a bank approved by the Board of Directors and make monetary disbursements with approval of the President as authorized by the Board of Directors.
B. Direct and coordinate an annual operating budget for USNA.
C. Submit a financial report for the annual convention and to the Board of Directors at regular intervals and when requested to do so by the Board.
D. The Treasurer shall, under the direction of the Board of Directors, have the books audited by a certified public accountant yearly in preparation for filing tax forms. The certified public accountant shall be appointed by the President and Treasurer and approved by the Board of Directors.
E. The retiring treasurer and newly elected treasurer shall meet at least twice within 30 days of the newly elected treasurer taking office to discuss the treasurer duties and responsibilities.
F. The Treasurer shall accurately maintain an expense report and itemized list of expense and income incurred under his/her term. This shall be done to comply with the organization’s federal status.
G. The Treasurer shall follow the guideline as set in the handbook provided by the NSNA.
H. The Treasurer shall attend the annual NSNA convention classes regarding financial duties. If the Treasurer cannot attend, another member of the Board of Directors shall attend in his/her place. If attendance at NSNA convention is possible.
I. The Treasurer shall be in close contact with the NSNA Treasurer throughout his/her term.
J. The Treasurer shall file yearly federal and state tax returns before the tax deadline as defined by the Internal Revenue Service.
K. Have a thorough Understanding of the Bylaws.
Section 9. The Convention Director shall:
A. Be the convention chair, plan the annual convention with the assistance of the convention committee, and implement the plan with the approval of the Board of Directors.
B. Perform duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.
Section 10. The Communications Director shall:
A. Serve as Web master to the USNA Webpage, and update on a regular or as needed basis.
B. Solicit advertisers as appropriate with the advertising fee being approved by the Board. The fees collected shall be submitted to the treasurer for deposit into the USNA account.
C. Perform duties as assigned by the board of directors.
D. Initiate regular communication with students.
Section 11. The Regional Directors shall:
A. Act as representatives of the USNA to the regional areas to which they have been elected.
B. If a Regional Director does not attend, they are expected to email a written report about what is going on in their area with student nurses. This needs to be sent to the USNA Secretary at least four days before the monthly USNA meetings.
Section 12. The Break Through to Nursing Director shall:
A. Prepare and present to future nursing groups information that may encourage or inspire students to become interested in the profession of nursing.
B. Perform duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.
Section 13. Constituent Presidents
A. Presidents of constituent schools within the state of Utah are expected to provide input to the USNA, maintain a good relationship with the USNA and attend the Council of the School Presidents meetings in order to better carry out the purposes of USNA.
Section 14. Eligibility
A. Members of the Board of Directors shall be enrolled in an approved Utah school of nursing for at least six (6) months of their term of office and agree to fulfill their commitment to the USNA Board of Directors throughout their term of office.
B. Members of the Board of Directors shall be active members of NSNA/USNA throughout their term of office.
B. Members of the Board of Directors shall be active members of NSNA/USNA throughout their term of office.
C. No USNA board member may hold more than one elected USNA position at any one time.
Section 15. Term of Office
A. The official term of office shall begin at the adjournment of the annual USNA business meeting at which elections are held and will conclude at the adjournment of the following annual USNA business meeting at which their successors are elected.
B. Outgoing officers shall serve as active consultants to their newly elected counterpart through the first scheduled meeting of the new Board.
C. The term limit for USNA board members and committee members is two terms.
Section 16. Vacancies
A. Vacancies in any office except President will be filled by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors.
B. Vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice President.
C. Candidates for any vacant office must meet all eligibility requirements.
Section 17. Abuse/Neglect of Duty
A. A member of the Board of Directors who has missed more than two regularly scheduled meetings without prior notification to the officers and who offers no valid reason (as determined by the Executive Committee) for such absences may be removed from office by a 2/3 Board of Directors vote at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
B. A member of the Board of Directors may be removed from office by a 2/3vote of the Board if an officer is deemed negligent in the function of his/her office as stated in the bylaws.
C. The member in question will be notified at least two weeks in advance of any action, and given two weeks to petition any action. The petition will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and then voted on.
Article VI – Committees
All committees shall be responsible to the Board of Directors for reporting committee activities on a regular basis. Committee members may be appointed by the Board from a group of volunteers. It is the responsibility of each committee chair to coordinate committee meetings apart from the monthly USNA meetings.
Standing committees may include, but are not limited to: Community Health, Legislative, Nominations and Elections, Membership, Education, Fundraising, Public Relations, Breakthrough to Nursing, and Communication.
Section 1. Executive Committee
A. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of USNA (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary) and one advisor or consultant.
B. The Executive Committee is responsible for USNA business that cannot wait until a scheduled meeting and shall report such business at the next regular meeting. Such business may be conducted by telephone, mail or electronic information transfer.
C. A quorum for the Executive Committee shall consist of three (3) officers and one advisor or consultant
Article VII – Advisors/Consultants
Section 1. Advisors
A. There shall be three advisors, who are currently faculty in a nursing program, to the USNA Board of Directors.
B. The term of office shall be one year.
C. There is no limit to the number of terms an advisor may serve; however, the Board must vote on the appointment each year.
D. Advisors shall be appointed by the Board of Directors
E. Duties of the Advisors shall be to serve as resource persons, attend meetings, and consult with Board members.
E. Advisors are not eligible to vote on USNA business.
F. USNA welcomes recommendations for advisors from the UNA.
Article VIII – Delegates
Section 1. Representation of USNA to the NSNA Convention
A. The delegate to the NSNA National Convention shall be the state president whenever feasible. If the state president is unable to serve in this capacity, a designated representative and alternate shall be elected by the Board of Directors.
B. Any active member of USNA who has been nominated and elected by the Board of Directors is eligible to hold the position of delegate or alternate.
C. Duties:
1. To serve as spokesperson for USNA at national conventions.
2. Present to the national organization proposed resolutions or amendments to bylaws.
3. Keep informed as to all current and proposed resolutions at the national level and report this information at regularly scheduled meetings of USNA.
4. Make available to members updates, explanations, and copies of current and proposed national resolutions.
Article IX – Meetings
Section 1. Meeting Schedule
A. Board meeting dates shall be established at the first meeting of a newly elected Board.
B. The next board meeting location and time shall be determined prior to the close of each board meeting.
C. The President has the authority to call a special meeting for such item as it is deemed necessary.
D. The annual USNA business meeting of USNA membership shall occur at the Annual State Convention and be held at such time and place as determined by the Board of Directors. The purpose of the annual USNA business meeting shall be for the purpose of holding elections and conducting other such business that requires the full body of members.
Section 2. Voting
A. The privilege of making motions and voting at Board meetings shall be limited to the Board of Directors. Each Board member shall have one vote in each issue.
B. A majority vote of present Board members is all that is needed to make decisions at Board meetings.
C. In order to amend or change the USNA bylaws, a 2/3 vote of present USNA members is required. A one-month notice must be given to all USNA members before a vote can be held. Members can be notified through written notice, electronically (email or website posting) or other methods as deemed appropriate by the Board.
D. A quorum for Board of directors meetings is required to vote and make Board
Decisions and shall consist of 2/3 of the number of elected members that constitute the Board of Directors. If any elected positions are vacant, that position shall not be counted in the determination of a quorum.
Section 3.
A. All meetings of the Association shall be open unless otherwise voted upon by the Board.
Section 4. Meeting Procedures
A. All meetings of USNA shall be conducted according to the parliamentary law as set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised where the rules apply and are not in conflict with the bylaws.
Article X – Elections
Section 1.
A. The nominations and elections process shall be overseen by the Board of Directors.
B. Election of Officers and Regional Directors will be held at the annual USNA business meeting.
C. Nominations may be made from the floor or by prior application.
D. Candidates shall be given the opportunity to introduce themselves to the membership during the annual USNA business meeting.
E. Election shall be by secret ballot.
F. Up to three active, individual members of USNA from each nursing program in the state will be delegated, by volunteer or by appointment from their respective school’s SNA, to be allowed one vote.
G. A simple majority of the composite delegates from each nursing program determines the outcome.
H. In the event of a tie, a 60 second speech from the candidates who tied will be allowed, and a re-vote will be held.
I. USNA members must be notified of upcoming elections one month prior to elections via the USNA official website or by other means deemed appropriate by the board in order for elections to be held.
Article XI – Amendments
Section 1. Amending Process
A. These bylaws may be amended only upon 2/3-acceptance vote by the membership present at the Annual USNA business meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose. USNA members must be notified two weeks prior to proposed amendment changes via the USNA website. The amendments must be distributed to the membership two weeks prior to voting via the USNA website or other methods as deemed appropriate by the board of directors.
B. Amendments shall become effective upon the voting deadline.
C. A current copy of these bylaws shall be maintained on the USNA website. Amendments shall be incorporated to the website copy within one month of approval by the membership.
D. USNA bylaws are to be forwarded to the NSNA annually after the Annual USNA business meeting.
Article XII – Scholarships
Section 1.
A. The purpose of the scholarships is to help members of USNA continue their education.
B. Upon the decision of the board of directors and available funds, scholarships will be provided. The terms and requirements for the scholarship applications will be set forth by the board of directors upon 2/3 majority vote. Notification of scholarship opportunities will be available through the organizations website, electronic mail, newsletter publication and word of mouth.
C. The criteria for scholarship eligibility consists of two factors including active USNA membership status and active nursing student status. The student's official transcript will be validated by the scholarship committee contacting the applicant's nursing advisement center.
D. The scholarship winners will be selected by a scholarship committee. This scholarship committee will consist of the USNA advisor and other appointment members who are not affiliated with USNA including English professors, nursing professors, business professors, and other professionals throughout the state of Utah. These committee members will be chosen before the scholarship applications are due. The unaffiliated committee members will be randomly chosen by the USNA board of directions. The USNA advisor is selected by the board of directions upon their election. The USNA advisor must be a nursing professional.
E. If number of applicants is equal or less than scholarships provided there will be no need for a committee.
F. Scholarships will be submitted to the USNA Vice President in a sealed envelope and will be delivered to the selection committee. Names of applicants will be taken off the applications for selection. The scholarship committee will report back to the USNA board of directors so scholarships can be awarded.
G. The student will receive their scholarship check directly from USNA
H. The Board of Directors shall not be eligible for scholarships made available by the funds of the Utah Student Nurses Association.
No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to
influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.
Upon the dissolution of the corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended or supplemented, or shall be distributed to the federal government or to a state or local government for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the District Court of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Right of Indemnity. This corporation shall follow indemnity laws to the fullest extent allowed under the Utah Code-Title 16-Chapter 06a of the Utah Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act.
Utah Student Nurses Association
Revised 02/06/2016